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Ph.D. Project

Organisational determinants of activation and quality of life of over 80-year-old nursing home residents in Germany

The quality of life and well-being of an individual are influenced by numerous factors that change with a move to a nursing home: among others, the living environment, the preservation of independence and social integration. The influence of organisational determinants on the quality of life of the very old is becoming increasingly important. The dissertation examines how resident activation and staffing ratios in inpatient long-term care facilities in Germany affect residents' independence and social participation as well as their quality of life.

The dissertation project includes evaluations of different data sets (NRW80+ as well as inQS of Caritas Germany) and is being carried out in cooperation with the Diözesan-Caritasverband für das Erzbistum Köln e. V. (DiCV Cologne). The structural model of care related quality of life, which relates subjective and objective quality of life, quality of care as well as management quality, as well as the CHAPO model and the throughput model are used as a framework.