Short biography
Gerlind Rennoch studied psychology with a focus on developmental psychology, clinical psychology and social psychology in Wuppertal and Bonn. During her studies, she worked at the Fraunhofer Institute for Applied Information Technology (FIT) in a research project on the inclusion of people who use AAC in the primary labor market. Afterwards, she was employed as a research assistant in the training management of the human resources development of the Fraunhofer-Gesellschaft e.V..
After completing her studies, she took up a position as a project consultant at the German National Association of Senior Citizens' Organisations (Bundesarbeitsgemeinschaft der Senioren-Organisationen e.V., BAGSO), where she was involved in the organization of the 12th German Senior Citizens' Day ( May 28th to 30th 2018 in Dortmund) and was part of the team of the service point “Digitalization and Education for Senior Citizens” (Servicestelle “Digitalisierung und Bildung für ältere Menschen").
Since May 2019, Gerlind Rennoch has been a research associate at the NRW Forschungskolleg GROW.
Research interests
- Technology use in old age
- Internet use in old age
- Depression in old age
- Methods of empirical age(ing) research
Rennoch, G., Schlomann, A., & Zank, S. (2023). The Relationship Between Internet Use for Social Purposes, Loneliness, and Depressive Symptoms Among the Oldest Old. Research on Aging, 0(0).
Fridjonsdottir, M., Rennoch, G., & Ribeiro, C. (2018). What’s up in digital media literacy education? Three voices. European Lifelong Learning Magazine, 3/2018.
Rennoch, G. (2018). Neugierig bleiben: BAGSO-Servicestelle bringt Ältere und digitale Medien zusammen. EB - Erwachsenenbildung, 64 (4), 179-180.
Wülfing, J., Maydych, V., Hofmann, B., & Werner, G. (2014). Inklusion in den 1. Arbeitsmarkt – es geht! Leitfaden zur gesundheitsgerechten Gestaltung von Arbeit für unterstützt kommunizierende Personen.