Welcome to the website of the NRW Graduate School GROW
The aim of the Graduate School is to identify practice-relevant resources and barriers influencing well-being into old age and to develop measures to maintain or improve the well-being of older people in North Rhine-Westphalia. GROW started in 2015 with eleven PhD projects and was successfully evaluated externally in 2018. After positive evaluation of the subsequent application and approval of a second funding phase, GROW II started in February 2019 with ten PhD candidates* with the aim of continuing to make important contributions to transdisciplinary research for well-being into old age.
The NRW Graduate School GROW is a joint graduate school of the Faculties of Humanities, Economics & Social Sciences and Medicine at the University of Cologne. It is assigned to the thematic focus of Ageing and Demographic Change at the ceres - Cologne Center for Ethics, Rights, Economics, and Social Sciences of Health.
The spokesperson for GROW is Prof. Dr. Susanne Zank.